To Citizens of Vaktovia.

Greetings dear Citizens of Vaktovia. It is is, Vaktus. I will be taking control of Vaktovia again. I will not be as… Active. But I will try my hardest to get on as much as possible. I know this clan may be dead… But I will fight to keep it alive, before I will let its light go out.

Deeply sorry

I am deeply sorry that I have not been on at all. I’ve had some family problems and a lot of school work that i had to catch up on. But I’m back, if you do not believe that I should be in command I completely understand. Let me know what your thought are and i will try to apply what you would like me to do. again i apologize for my absence.


Dear people sadly I must say I am leaving this nation. But before I can leave I need a new leader to take my place as Emperor/Empress. Please comment below or send me a email at to ask if you can be leader. In the comment or email tell me why you think you can lead and what you believe and how you will lead Vaktovia. And if you think war is good or bad.

To the people of Vaktovia.

My dear friends and comrades. Many may hate Vaktovia for her peace. Many may seek to destroy us to put out the living burning candle which keeps the glory of us alive! But remember we are Vaktovians! A Vaktovian is strong, Brave, And is willing to die to protect his comrades! We must raise high the banner of Vaktovia… That all may see its glory! All may know that we shall always die for each other! In battle or peace we will always hold the banner high! We shall march to Victory! Let us ALWAYS bare the Victory banner! Never never never let it down! Hail Vaktovia! Hail her people! Gods speed my comrades!


And remember comrades… Keep up the comments!

VE News.

A little bit ago DX the clan who spams, Hacks, Fakes, And insults declared war on VE. Of course I ignored his foolish declaration of war. I took some thinking time of what to do and I decided  that  we would not have war. For one, if we won what good would it do? DX would not stop there foolishness to VE. If they won how would it change anything? So I decided to ignore there petty declaration of war. 

Some other news is… I added a domains page to this website! We now own three maps on swbf. Of course anyone can use the maps but we have them in are domain. Also I want EVERYONE to be as active as possible! To keep this clan alive we must be active on the website and on the game, Try to comment everyday and report news every day! Don’t be afraid to ask for a promotion if you deserve it! Always be active… Active is what keeps a clan alive! 

Also there is a VERY important division in VE! It is called the SS. The SS is for the loyal and the trusted only. It stands for Secret Service. You are very important if you are in the SS. The SS is in charge of security, Looks out for fake VE members, Looks for spies, And if needed will do a little spying IF needed. If you feel that you deserve this Division. You may ask a General or my self.



Fake Vaktus.

Ok guys there is a fake Vaktus running around trying to make orders. From now on don’t listen to any orders that are not posted on this site. Today I got booted from a server since they were thinking I was the fake Vaktus. But only listen to orders posted on THIS site! If someone promotes you or demotes you or bans you from VE  ingame… Do not listen to him. Emperor Vaktus out!

Here is what General Slayer of VE- Devision SS said in a comment.

Yeah, that dude premoted me to General in-game and I was mad when I found out he was a fake. But anyway, I got truly promoted to General yesterday, so lol. Btw, you can tell he is fake for these reasons:
1.The fake Vaktus doesn’t capitalize properly, unlike the real Vaktus.
2.You can ask Vaktus what the first letter of our planet (Carona) is, and if he says “C” you will know he is the real Vaktus.